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Man and van service in London

Cena: 60.00 GBP

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Region: London
Firma: Easy Man and Van
Strona www:
dodano: 2024.05.05
ważne do: 2026.04.25
wyświetleń: 551

Szczegóły oferty:

Family run moving company offering different types of moving solutions - house, flat and office removals. Affordable and reliable moving company operating in London and throughout all rest of the country. As family run company, Easy man Removals is offering individual touch for every single customer, to make the moving day less stressful. Additional to professional and reliable service, they do have many positive reviews from previous clients and they reputation is built on genuine hard working team. Easy Man and Van Removals specialise in local removals as well as long distance moves. Being in business for more than 7 years, they have gained all necessary skills for safe and quick moves. All vans are equipped with all the necessary tools for successful removals - trolley, blankets, straps, navigation and tools for furniture disassemble/assemble. Furthermore, Easy Man and van Removals help their customer to move 7 days a week/ 365 days a year, even on Bank holidays, if needed.


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